Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weakness and Strenght

One thing comes to mind whenever I think about all the people that he claimed as his victims, one consistency.
Mental breakdown.

All the vcentral ictims were abducted/killed/devoured/whatever tall, pale and faceless has had a field day with their minds, pushing them into paranoia, mad ravings, self-loathing. You can see it almost everywhere, with the one exception: he could kill people that were not his central victims if it was the means to break someone else's mind.

I have noted, that me sighting him occurs only in moments of my emotional weakness - sadness, self-doubt, yearning. In contrast, whenever I am in peak emotional condition (like, for example, right now) he does not appear at all.

It is my belief that,1) he is a mental parasite, inhabitting not the world, but the minds of men and 2) that he can only exist withing negativity of some sort, therefore he will attempt, once has enough "room to maneuver" anyway, to increase fear and despair, so has, well, more space.
Note that I do not believe that he is in any way afraid of, or hurt by, joy, fighting spirit, happyness or love - they just limit his space.

There are also many people who know of him and are still not stalked, because they think him absurd, stupid looking, funny, etc.
Many things, just not a source of fear.

Zero suggested writing his defeat. Robert(Sage) mentioned Heroes, Warriors and Guardians.
I do think, what we need is a Champion.
Not a Hero to die, but a Champion to conquer.

Only where would we find one?

Thanks for watching my poor excuse for a journal, Cindy. I love ya ;)


  1. ;]
    But a small favor~

    You ever watch movies with demons in them? All this reminds me of is Satan.
    Not that I believe in such things.
    You know that <3

  2. Zeke, maybe? He fought It before, after all. Even if he IS... kind of unbalanced right now. (He seems a little nutty, anyway.) Maybe he sic him on the bastard, give him a bigass gatling gun... nah. Probably wouldn't work.

    Think a flamethrower would work?

    1. He's dead. Black King takes white knight.

  3. Damsel has been good with keeping him off lately. However I'm not sure. Especially since she's been gone and EMH has been worse than ever.

  4. @Amelia No. No. Too risky. Maybe we should try something coated in substance.

    Perhaps a flamethrower coated in substance? XD I kid.

  5. ChAmPiOnS rIsE aNd FaLl. So WiLl YoU.

  6. This time you said, "CAPOSIENFLSWLYO." Eithe that, or you just like capitalizing every other letter.

